Don't worry, we know that not every applicant's journey is the same. Whether you have just finished a degree, or you had a break from academia, below are guidelines for submitting an appropriate reference irrespective of your situation.
- If you are currently studying or have recently finished studying: your first referee could be a tutor or supervisor from your most recent degree course. Your second referee could be a tutor from your most recent degree course OR from your previous course if you have a master's degree.
- If you left higher education more than three years ago and you are unable to nominate two academic referees from your previous studies: your first reference could be a member of academic staff from your most recent higher education course. Your second referee could be your employer or another person who can testify to your abilities in a professional context.
- If you left higher education over six years ago and you are unable to nominate two academic referees from your previous studies: your referees could both be from a professional context: such as your employer or another person who can testify to your abilities in a professional context.
We can only accept two references so if you have more, please choose the best two to submit. We know it's not always easy but we cannot make exceptions so if you e-mail us about this we will have to say no.
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