If you did not apply for funding, there may be some other funding opportunities available, please be aware that these may be very limited.
If you have accidentally left the funding section incomplete and the funding deadline hasn't passed you can withdraw your current application and make a new one to apply for funding. Please bear in mind that you may need to use a different email address to do this.
Otherwise, the Postgraduate Funding Search can help you find funding opportunities that don’t require you to have applied for funding as part of your course application. Please bear in mind that these funds will have application deadlines of their own.
Our external funding and loans page has information on how to find funding outside of the University.
Cambridge also offers funded studentships and research projects that typically sit outside of the usual admissions process. You can find them listed on the Funded Studentships page.
Some departments may offer Teaching or Research Assistantships, though these are rare. You will need to speak to the department directly about this.
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