Courses and applications for the 2025/26 academic year will be available in the course directory from 4 September 2024
The deadline for applications for funding by the Gates Cambridge Scholarship (US round) is 11 October 2024 at 23:59 GMT. You must have a complete application to be considered for this (a complete application means you also need to have all your references provided before this deadline – see below).
Here’s what you can do to prepare for applying:
Once you have found the course that is right for you (and spoken to the department if you plan to study for a research degree), start preparing supporting documents for your application.
Typically most applications will require:
- CV (curriculum vitae, or résumé)
- Academic documents (colour copies of transcripts and degree certificates of all previous and current degree-level study)
- Research proposal or statement of interest
- Two references
Do check your specific course page in the course directory to make sure you have all the supporting documents required.
If you are planning to apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship (US round) you will also need:
- Gates Cambridge Reference* (this is an additional reference to the two academic references required)
- Research proposal (PhD applicants only)
- Statement on why you are applying (no more than 3000 characters/approximately 500 words)
*You can nominate the same person as your academic referee and your personal Gates Cambridge referee. The purposes of your academic reference and Gates Cambridge reference are different, therefore the references each require a different focus.
More information can be found on the Gates Cambridge website.
References are submitted in a separate online Referee Portal by the referee directly. We cannot accept references uploaded by applicants. You will be able to nominate referees in your application and do speak to your referees before you apply.
Here’s a short video that will explain everything you need to know about references.
Your application will not be considered complete until both your academic references have been submitted. All references will need to be submitted before the relevant funding and/or course deadline (whichever is the earlier deadline). If you would like to be considered for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship (US round), then both academic references and your Gates Cambridge Scholarship reference will need to be submitted by 11 October 2024 at 23:59 GMT.
You will also have the option to choose a College in your application. You should review the College information and decide if you have a preference. You can indicate two College preferences in your application, or choose to make an open application if you don’t mind which College you’ll be a part of.
Our ‘How do I apply?’ webpage has further information and a useful video explaining the application process. Please set aside at least an hour to complete your application.
You may also wish to apply for other funding opportunities (do apply for as many as you can!). Further information on funding can be found on our funding pages and we’ve also summarised the funding process at Cambridge in this funding video.
If you are planning to apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship (US round) and other Cambridge funding opportunities that have a main funding deadline, the deadline to submit your application and references will be 11 October 2024 at 23:59 GMT.
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