If you are made a conditional offer of admission, you must either accept or decline that offer by the deadline stated in your offer email and offer certificate. This deadline will be no earlier than 5 weeks from the date your offer was issued.
If you do not accept your offer by this deadline, then your offer will be withdrawn.
You can locate your offer certificate by going to 'Certificate of Offer' in your Self-Service account.
You can accept or decline your offer via the link “accept/decline offer” found on your Self-Service. You can do this before you have met any of your other conditions.
We encourage you to accept your offer and to do so as soon as you are ready, even if you are waiting for confirmation of funding (including funding from Cambridge) or are not yet able to meet the other conditions of your offer.
If it later becomes necessary for you to cancel your acceptance, for example because you don't secure funding, you can withdraw your application/admission.
You will not be liable for course fees if you withdraw your application before you start your course.
You can accept your offer even if you've not yet met any of your other offer conditions.
If you've received multiple offers to study at Cambridge, you can accept more than one.
If you haven’t received notification of the outcome of your funding applications by the deadline for accepting your offer, this doesn’t mean that you’ve been unsuccessful in securing funding. It’s not necessary to meet your financial condition until the later deadline for meeting all your offer conditions.
The deadline for accepting your offer is separate from the deadline for completing all of your offer conditions.
The deadline for meeting all of your offer conditions will depend on the term you are due to start (the Admit Term).
Please see the table below for the deadline to meet all of your offer conditions for each term:
Term | Deadline to meet all offer conditions | Deadline to accept/decline your offer |
Michaelmas | 31 July | See your offer certificate |
Lent | 30 November | See your offer certificate |
Easter | 10 March | See your offer certificate |
If you know that you will need a deadline extension for meeting your offer conditions, please visit our article, I will be unable to meet my offer conditions by the deadline. What should I do?, for more information.
If at a later date you do not wish to take up your place at the University, you may cancel your
place by withdrawing via your Self-Service account, or by making a clear statement to the University
to this effect.
If you wish to withdraw we strongly advise that you do this before the beginning of term. The latest date you can withdraw your application is the day before the course start date; after this point you may be liable to pay fees to the college.
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